If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase you can return it for an exchange or refund, provided it is within 14 days of receipt of your order and the item is unopened and in the original packaging. After 14 days past your receipt of shipment, no returns are accepted. We reserve the right to refuse refunds for returned items, which are not in the original packaging or are opened or damaged merchandise.

Once we receive the item(s) we will check the return shipment for accuracy and then proceed with issuing the credit minus the original shipping cost. After 30 days of making the return claim, if the product has not yet been received from the customer, the credit will be void and all sales will be final. Products returned to us without prior customer notification will not be refunded.

Returns are only accepted for items purchased directly from WE CANNOT PROCESS RETURNS FOR PRODUCTS THAT WERE PURCHASED THROUGH A THIRD PARTY DISTRIBUTOR OR RETAILER. Please contact the distributor/retailer that purchase was made through for information on their return policy.

You may cancel any order for free of charge and without giving us any reason, provided it has not yet been shipped.

Merchandise damaged during shipment must be reported to East End Tonic within 48 hours of receipt. Please email us at to notify us of any damaged items (please include your order number and the item damaged description in your email). We will then contact the shipping company for the retrieval of the damaged item(s), and either send you a replacement order, or issue you a credit for the cost of any of the merchandise that is confirmed to be damaged. If your item(s) are being credited, a full credit for the damaged item(s) will be issued for unopened merchandise within 10 business days of our receipt of the returned package.

We reserve the right to refuse any order for whatever reason. We also reserve the right to cancel any purchase (an order already accepted by us) in (amongst others) the following situations, without being liable for any damage or costs:

  • the product is not available / in stock (any payments will be refunded);

  • your billing information is not correct or not verifiable;

  • your order is flagged up by our security systems as an unusual order or an order susceptible to fraud;

  • your bank transfer payment is not received within 3 calendar days after acceptance of your order;

  • we have reason to believe you are under 16;

  • we have reason to believe that you are a reseller;

  • there was an error in the price quote;

  • we could not deliver to the address provided by you.



East End Tonic takes your privacy seriously. We will not sell, lease, or exchange your personal data to, or otherwise share your personal data with, third parties in ways other than described in our Privacy Policy.

East End Tonic uses third party payment processors Stripe to assist it in processing your personally identifiable payment information securely. Such third party processors’ use of your personal information is governed by their respective privacy policies which may or may not contain privacy protections as protective as this privacy policy. Payments are currently processed and managed using the third party vendors below. We will inform you which payment processors are used when processing your payments. 

Stripe - privacy policy


If you visit our website to browse, read, or download information:
Your web browser automatically sends us (and we may retain) information such as the:

  • Internet domain through which you access the Internet;

  • Internet Protocol address of the computer you are using;

  • type of browser software and operating system you are using;

  • date and time you access our site;

  • the Internet address of the site from which you linked directly to our site.

We will use this information as aggregate data to help us maintain this site, e.g., to determine the number of visitors to different sections of our site, to ensure the site is working properly, and to help us make our site more accessible and useful. We will not use this information to identify individuals, except for site security or law enforcement purposes. We will not obtain personally-identifying information about you when you visit our site, unless you choose to provide such information.